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Medals to British Army officers


Post in the U.K. is included in the price of the medal

Officers Trio & Police Faithful Service Medal

Arthur Frank Taylor born 1894 Ilford Essex.

Arthur enlisted 8th August 1914. Posted to 10th Essex battalion and went overseas on 25th July 1915.  This battalion went over the top on 1st July 1916 1st day of the battle of the Somme. An attack on Bronfay Farm 7th July 1916, Arthur was wounded in the left ear and neck by shrapnel. After recuperation in England Arthur returned to France where he applied for an officers commission and posted to the 23rd Middlesex, The Football battalion, as 2 Lieutenant. Invalided home in 1918.

!4-15 Star to Sargent, The pair are to 2nd Lieutenant and the Police medal to Arthur F Taylor

Medals come with copy service records

At £225.00

Officers 14-15 Star & Victory Medals

Harold Victor Walsh Royal Army Medical Corp

14-15 Star to Lieutenant, Victory medal to Captain. Promoted Major in 1928, Lt Colonel 1932. Commanded 161st Field Ambulance. Full Colonel in 1936. Awarded Territorial Efficiency Medal in 1930 and the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1941 both missing.

The two Medals come with copy London Gazette showing Harold's awards.

At £115.00

Officers 14-15 Star trio Medals

Frank Percival Layland

1914/15 star stamped to 08209 L. Cpl F. Layland AOC. The pair are named to  2. Lieutenant F.P. Layland

Enlisted in May 1915 going to France in October then on to Salonika. Left Salonika July 1917 for commission, posted to the Northamptonshire Regiment. Attached to Royal Air Force June 1918. Copy service records

At £155.00

Officers Pair Medals

Frederick Stanfford Fairclough

 War medal is to Lieutenant S.F. Fairclough. The Victory is to 2 Lieutenant S.F. Fairclough

Enlisted in September 1914 to 10th Middlesex Regiment Posted to India.  Applied for a commission in India and posted to Mesopotamia 

Air Raid officer in World War Two.

Copy service records when Frederick was a private. 

At £105.00

World War Two pair medals


Medals and box come with London Gazette notifying of Reginald's promotions.  1941 2nd Lieutenant, 1942 Lieutenant, 1959 Captain, 1961 retired from the army a Major. He was awarded the Reserve Decoration in 1958.

At £25.00 

World War One Trio medals

Sydney Gordon Sanders

 Lance Corporal & 2nd Lieutenant, 7th Dragoon Guards. Lieutenant & Major Middlesex regiment.

Medals come with copy marriage certificate, Death administration, Medal Card, 

At £150.00